Shorty background

The CPH127-weblog started out as a kind of skunkwork-project in March 2005 between Magnus Christensson and Hans Henrik H. Heming.

A few hours later Jacob Boetter joined the flight :-)

We believe that true sense making arises through participation, writing, reading, reflection and then writing again…..

We believe that most managers of today lacks a vocabulary when talking around design and innovation – They of course know the words, but what the words really means in terms of action and shift in mindset, that’s a complete other thing.

We use to define the initiative this way:
CPH127 is a community sense-making initiative. We aim to create a open dialogue around the profound understanding of design, leadership and innovation.

Hans Henrik H. Heming;

Co-founder of CPH127

The very short story about Hans Henrik – I’ve got an entrepreneurial mindset. Believe in people as a driving force for everything. I believe in my network as a catalyst for what I am, can and want.

I’ve studied economics – recently I finished a Master in Management Development at CBS

Years back I started my own company. It was a Consultancy Business based on Internet and technology in general – at the time we used technology as a driving force for innovation. Nowadays Design is used for almost the same thing and it’s almost like "coming home".

I recently founded Connecta - a Innovation Company with focus on the social side of Innovation. We help companies developing their organizational change capabillity.

BTW – I blog at public(MIND)

You can reach me with Skype - "hanshenrikheming" or by mail at hans.henrik (at) hoejberg (dot) dk

Jacob M. Bøtter;

Co-founder of CPH127

I have a broad experience in design. On one side from the creative point of view being an art director at an ad agency, graphic designer at printing house and much more. On the other side I have a lot of business experience in managing design, creating buy-in for design and so on. This experience I have gained through managing positions in danish advertising agencies and graphic studios.

On the international scene I have managed a large network of designers, being the CEO of Kwan Studios from 2002 to 2003. Kwan Studios was an international network of creatives which worked together on projects, forming what could be called a network-based graphic studio. When I left the organization in 2003 there was aprox. 250 members from more than 50 countries.

Today I work as the Managing Director of an internet consultancy in Copenhagen, Captive. From time to time I still do a bit of freelancing as a graphic designer.

You are welcome to contact me at [email protected]

Magnus Christensson;

Co-founder of CPH127

Magnus in short. I like to create stuff and share it with others.

I have been focused on the development of people, companies, business, products and services for a long time. I am interested in evolution and transformation of the before mentioned and believe that the design process is an interesting way to accomplish this.

I have educated myself at the Kaospilot University, at larger cooperations, through several entrepreneurial projects and still do through a very intelligent network of people.

I work as a consultant at the Danish Design Centre (DDC).

About CPH127

CPH127 is a community sense-making initiative. We aim to create a open dialogue around the profound understanding of design, leadership and innovation.


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