I’m Strategy Director at frog design in San Francisco, overseeing strategy engagements for clients that cover product, digital and brand elements, often all for the same client. My background is a combination of industrial design (California College of the Arts), interaction design, and sociology (University of Chicago), and I’ve worked in both corporate and consulting environments.
My interests lie in helping design teams and clients understand the broader context within which they are operating, helping clients define the hidden complexities of their challenges, and identifying new opportunities and evaluating them for effectiveness for a particular client.
I enjoy writing and speaking about design and business, and use my blog as an incentive to keep me doing it regularly.
Factoid: I started doing user research when I was 8 years old, complete with clipboard and survey forms that I wrote myself.
I was born in Montréal, Canada but soon enough was moved around europe and the Middle East for a number of years. I went back to my roots to pursue and complete a B.A. in Industrial Design at the Université de Montréal. I have now moved again have completed my first year in Interaction Design at the Interaction Design Institute of Ivrea, located in a small town in Northern Italy.
I am mainly interested in the service design process and mindframe and it's role in designing objects, systems and business ideas. I also continue to be intrigued by objects and their roles in our lives, the place that technology has through these objects and the intangible relationships we entertain with them.
AIM: alexandrasonsino
MSN: [email protected]
I am professor in strategic management at Aarhus School of Business. Here I have started the organisation Strategy-Lab, www.strategy-lab.asb.dk, with a strong emphasis on strategic innovation and business development. My background is in engineering - I have a M.Sc, in industrial engineering - but have shifted to the more commercial world through a ph.d. in strategy and my research and work experience within the field of strategic management.
I'm working as a Professor of Product Design at the Illinois Institute of
Technology and Principal in Gravity Tank a Chicago-based innovation
services firm. My special interest is in the integrated use of research and
design in the front end of innovation projects.
I also work as a facilitator
of collaborative workshops where colleagues work together in new ways to
explore and define their next innovation.
I'm working as a project manager at the Danish Design Centre. My working areas are National Design Policy, Measuring the Economic Effects of Design, How to use design for creating innovation etc.
My special interest is "how to cope with the fuzzy front end" and "What design strategy to chose? - design driven or user-centred..." - I believe in a combination.
I have a bachelor in business administration and a M.Sc in Design & Communication Management.
I am the editor of The Innovation Insider (www.theinnovationinsider.com), a companion blog to the FORTUNE Innovation Forum that is updated daily. My primary focus is on business innovation and strategic design, especially within FORTUNE 500 companies. I am particularly interested in the ways that Web-based user communities approach innovation, as well as the lessons that U.S. corporations can learn from innovators in Europe and Asia
I am an Australian designer and design educationalist. My professional experience spans 25 years and includes advertising, publishing, fashion, visual and community arts, graphic design, web and multimedia areas. I think the contemporary paradigm for designers is multidisciplinary. The emergence of Asia as creative region fascinates me, primarily because I see many opportunities and challenges. China is of particular interest.
I blog at http://aiffhead.blogspot.com/
My website is Birdsanfish
Johnnie Moore is a consultant and facilitator based in London. He's interested in how organisations can adapt to a world where people are better informed, better connected and more autonomous. He keeps a personal blog at www.johnniemoore.com and is co-facilitator of www.opensaucelive.com
I am fascinated by the space created between customers and
organizations – the customer experience intersection, if you will.
Being a "traffic camera" at this intersection provides opportunities
for innovation and creative solutions to the complexities within the
consumer/company relationship. My personal accounts and
interpretations can be found at Customer Experience
Strategy, a blog maintained on the topic since 2003.
My education and work marries Customer Experience Design, brand and
business strategy, including a unique MBA in Design Management from
the University of Westminister in London. I currently keep myself
occupied acting as Experience Lead for Avenue A | Razorfish, South
Additionally, I enjoy my Mini Cooper, snowboarding, mountain biking
and watching movies at high volume.
I have been around the field of innovation for a couple of years, partly
working in different innovative settings, partly doing research for my
thesis in Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen.
My interest in innovation was triggered by a fascination of the very large
questions that this issue touches - about divine creation or cultural
change, new sense or non-sense, order or chaos, process or event, and many
more. In my research I am trying to connect these questions with the
everyday practice of innovation in organizations and society.
The concept of “new design” that engages the actual users in the innovation
process is another interesting issue to me as an anthropologist. I was very
surprised in discovering that this is very often not the case out there –
and therefore even more delighted that this is now on the agenda.
I'm a digital communications specialist, with no design qualifications, but
a passion for bringing art and science together on the web.
In the innovation sphere, I have a master's in Knowledge Management, with a
special interest in the area of enabling innovate thinking through
collaborative technologies like blogging.
During the day, I divide my time between designing web sites, interfaces,
and messages, and co-running an IT company specialising in Microsoft-based
collaboration technologies.
Niti Bhan focuses on offering strategic insight for growth opportunities and revenue generation in the rapidly evolving interstitial space between design and business. Her 15 years of experience include employers such McCann Erickson Worldwide, Hewlett Packard India, The Second City and most recently, the Institute of Design. She is an engineer and an MBA with significant graduate design education from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and the Institute of Design, Chicago.
Her areas of interest are business intelligence and trends, business strategy as well as creating a compelling user case for design as force for increasing shareholder value.
Patrik where a part of the team that realised the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs innovation unit, MindLab. Patrik have been studying Economics and Communication Technology in Sweden, as well as entrepreneurship and innovation at the Kaospilot University in Denmark. Patrik is currently working as Design Strategist at the Danish brand agency e-Types. He believes that change always bears both challenges and new opportunities with itself, and that the ability to recognize and focus on the latter is a crucial aspect of mastering innovation. Patrik is a speaker on various innovation issues, including the new challenges for the central government and the possible changing role of the designer.
Patrik can be contacted at [email protected]
When Rick is here at CPH127, he likes to watch the people in transit and the planes take off and land (while enjoying strawberries and softice of course).
Otherwise, you might find him at home at www.designisinbeta.com
Steve Portigal is the founder of Portigal Consulting, a firm that brings together user research, design and business strategy. Portigal Consulting helps clients to discover and act on new insights about how their customers work, play, shop, entertain, eat, and live their lives around products and services. In addition to regularly speaking at design and marketing events, Steve contributes to several blogs and writes FreshMeat, a semi-regular email column about the relationships between business, culture, technology, products, and consumers. He is an avid photographer who has a Museum of Foreign Grocery Products in his home.
CPH127 is a sense-making initiative. We aim to create a open dialogue around the profound understanding of the leadership, organization and strategy of creative business functions with the aim to create new value (for customers, employers and stakeholders.